Parents and Friends
A vital part of Pulteney Life
Pulteney appreciates the support of our wonderful families and understands the vital role they play in the success of the School.
Parents who are involved in the school stay informed about its decision making and strategic direction. It is also a way to meet other parents and start new friendships.
Pulteney encourages parents to become active members of the community by nominating themselves as Parent Representatives, volunteering at events, raising funds for new facilities, assisting with travel, and donating their time and expertise at the School.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the P&F, please contact Pulteney. The P&F welcomes all volunteers in whatever capacity and however much time they have.
Become a Parent Representative
Being a Parent Representative is a great way to be actively involved in your child’ school life. You inevitably get to know the parents of their friends and enjoy taking part in school events and social gatherings.
Parent Representatives play a key role supporting the class by volunteering their time, organising catch ups during holidays and supporting classroom activities.
Parent Representatives are encouraged to attend P&F meetings to provide feedback and participate in discussions. There are also opportunities to support the school with their major events, such as sports days and Founders Day.
If you would like to become a Parent Representative please contact Alta Havemann
Parent and Friends Committee 2024
Meg Oates, President
April Millar
Gary Hancock
Joanna Maras
Katie Altamura
Nick Muirhead
Matt van der Sommen
Tania Mavragelos
Andrew Heard
Brenton Milewski
Jeremy Wheeler
Lyn Heard
Niki Zhang
Sofia Dellis