

At Pulteney, our experienced and passionate teachers and school leaders work together to deliver a personalised and inclusive learning experience. The robust curriculums from ELC to Year 12 ensure a breadth of subjects and educational opportunities are offered. Pulteney’s learning environments are designed to embrace modern teaching methods and collaborative learning. Additionally, the School takes a thoughtful and constructive approach to new technologies and the artificial intelligence era. As teaching and studying is always adapting to the modern world, the School remains at the forefront of new learning methods, partnerships and entrepreneurial advancements.

Pulteney Learner Compass

The Pulteney Experience is about a personalised education where:

  • There are boundless opportunities that offer students direction and purpose.
  • There is an integrated student experience with a balance of explicit instruction, implicit learning and active participation which plays out across multiple contexts across the School.
  • There are broader measures of achievement that are recognised through both established and new ways of assessing, for the purpose of growth, from Reception to Year 12.

Ask anyone why school is important and no doubt you’ll get a variety of responses with some common themes. Historically, and quite simply, an education taught you how to work, so that you could get yourself a job, earn an income in usually one profession and survive.

Preparing graduates for the workforce continues to be an important outcome in schooling but it is not the only one. Education today should prepare young people for a life in which they can prosper in a holistic sense – emotionally, physically, spiritually, academically, in a world that is complex, uncertain and changing. The world of work has dramatically changed since we began our lives at school, to one now, where jobs across multiple professions will be experienced; where the capacity to adapt and to collaborate will be vital; where transversal, transferrable or soft skills, will be applied in many contexts to solve problems that require novel solutions; and where passions perhaps ignited in childhood, can evolve, transform and shape a better future.


Challenge Program, Acceleration Process and Headstart

Pulteney is committed to offering a range of programs for our highly able students whilst continually reflecting on best practice in the field of Gifted and Talented education. Current research suggests that giftedness is developmental and there is no longer a ‘gifted for life’ label. Students can plateau, while other students’ talents suddenly emerge, which is why our program needs to continue to change and develop to best meet the needs of our students.

We currently offer a range of challenging opportunities for students from Reception to Year 12. This year we will continue to focus on Quality Thinking from Reception to Year 6. Students will be invited to be involved in specific events or activities if a talent is identified and families will be notified.

This year there will be a change in how the Challenge Program runs for Year 7 to 9 students. Rather than having a set Challenge Team for the entire year, identified students will be invited to take part in specific challenges which will be no longer than one term. Families will be notified if their son/daughter is invited to take part in an event. If students are invited to be involved in an event, full commitment will be required.

Examples of events and opportunities that may be offered to students across the school are the Junior and Middle School Ethics Olympiad, da Vinci Decathlon (Year 6, 7 and 9) and Tournament of Minds (Year 4-6 Primary, Year 7-10 Secondary).

In one ninety, there are many academic demands, therefore identified students will be invited to be involved in events that cater for their strengths and interests as they arise. In Year 10, Accelerated Biology is offered as well as subject acceleration; strict criteria apply for these subjects. Families will be advised if their son/daughter meet the criteria for selection. In Year 12 our highest achieving students will have the opportunity to be involved in Headstart at the University of Adelaide.

Students who have a current educational assessment, stating giftedness, will have an Individual Learning Plan and will continue to have my support and guidance throughout their schooling, as well as their families.

I am looking forward to working alongside staff and parents as we continue to support and challenge our gifted and highly able students at Pulteney. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the program further

Sue Mavropoulos has a Masters in Education (Gifted Education) and has a passion for helping all children to reach their full potential. Current research states that gifted students often make the least progress in their education. We have found at Pulteney that by supporting our gifted students and by providing them with a range of challenging opportunities with like-minded peers, this has helped our gifted students to achieve at a very high level.

Sue acts as a mentor and advocate for our gifted students as she supports the handover process for gifted students every year.